deutsche Flagge für deutsche Spracheenglische Flagge für englische Sprache

Summary of Results

The ARTOS-project researched offshoring-specific barriers for coordination and learning in the context of software development in small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). For doing so, we conducted several field studies in German SMEs and analyzed their working practices by means of ethnographic research methods. The concept of articulation work served as a theoretical lens in this regard, in order to obtain a detailed understanding of coordination in the practice of offshore-software development.

On an organizational layer, the project showed that agile practices of knowledge management play an important role for German SMEs. In this regard, the complex interrelations between formal and informal aspects of coordination lead to challenges and problems in the daily work. Strategic forms of learning play an important role in this context, which can not be solved by adapting formal management models as they are often situated and based on informal coordination practices.

On a technological layer, the project revealed that informal articulation work is a promising aspect for the design for supportive tools, as informal aspects of coordination are hardly covered by existing systems for software development. In this regard, the limited visibility of informal coordination was found to lead to problems in practice, which could be solved or at least alleviated by providing a unified support for both formal and informal aspects of coordination.

On a socio-cultural layer, the project worked out specific determining factors for successful international team work. These factors were strongly related to the role of social capital, which is not only important as a basis for the cooperation, but can also have negative consequences if it hinders the open debate of problems. At the same time, the role of social "bridges" between the teams could be analyzed, who serve as knowledge brokers and mediators in case of conflicts, and who can be important for the adaptation and appropriation of new management models and support tools.

The project report can be downloaded here . (German)

Supported byGerman Research Foundation